Pure Vegetarian Restaurant

A restaurant that specializes in both vegetarian and Jain cuisine is a great way to offer a wide range of delicious and healthy meals to those who follow these dietary preferences. Jain food, in particular, is known for being especially pure and free of any ingredients that may cause harm to living beings. By offering a variety of vegetarian and Jain dishes, you’ll be able to cater to a diverse group of customers who are looking for tasty and wholesome meals that align with their values. From spicy chaat and savory samosas to hearty curries and creamy desserts, you’ll be able to serve up an array of flavors and textures that are sure to satisfy. So why wait? Start serving up delicious and nourishing vegetarian and Jain cuisine at your new restaurant today!

Breakfast 500/-
Lunch 750/-
Evening tea/snacks 400/-
Dinner 850/-
Total 2500/-