Luxury vegetarian hotels in corbett

best resorts in corbett

People get tired running a race to become successful in their respective career. In their mundane life, all they need is some fresh air to breathe and a place where they can relax and calm their mind. Who serves this purpose better than Mother Nature herself? Therefore, if you are in search of such an escape among nature, do visit Jim Corbett national park. It is one of the most visited national parks in the country which experiences tourists visiting from different countries too. The

best hotel in jim corbett national park

, which will surely be as per your taste is Kunkhet Valley resort.

The name though suggests it a resort all the facilities provided here can beat any high profile hotel. We are among the very few hotels in jim corbett national park near river that serve pure vegetarian food and therefore is a relief for our vegetarian friends. The rooms are available at different tariff ranges depending on the number of members to be accommodated and the facilities provided. There are deluxe and duplex rooms, swiss tents and pavilion grand rooms. A part from the rooms, one can enjoy nature walk, a cricket match in the cricket ground or hiking. Kunkhet Valley resort welcome to everyone who want to visit jim Corbett national park.